4 Possible Reasons Your Furnace Might Be Leaking

With winter quickly approaching, the importance of a properly functioning furnace can't be overestimated. Leaking furnaces are a common cause for concern and should always be checked and repaired by a licensed HVAC technician. In this article, we'll go over four possible causes of furnace leaks and what you should do if you find yourself with this situation on your hands.

1. Clogged Condensate Line

If your furnace is a newer, high-efficiency model, condensation is created during the heating process and taken away via the condensate line. If this becomes clogged or damaged, water will drip and pool on the floor around the furnace instead.

2. Malfunctioning Condensate Pump

Similar to the condensate line, a high-efficiency furnace also houses a pump that takes the condensation away. If this stops working or becomes damaged in some way, water will drip and leak from the furnace.

3. Humidifier Problems

Do you have a whole-home humidifying system hooked up to your HVAC system? It might be the actual thing to blame for your leak problem. Humidifiers have the potential to leak, leaving puddles on the floor around your furnace. Have your HVAC technician inspect not only your furnace but the humidifier as well.

4. Vent Pipe Sizing

Your furnace uses the process of combustion to provide heat to your home. This process creates gasses that then exit your home through the vent pipe on your furnace. A vent pipe that isn't sized correctly traps excess gas and keeps it. As it cools, it turns into a liquid and pools around your furnace. If you're located in or around Radford, VA, reach out to us at New River Heating & Air, and we'll talk with you about solutions.

At New River Heating & Air, we do all we can to provide high-quality HVAC services to our customers throughout Radford and beyond. Our crew performs expert installation, maintenance, and repair. From duct cleaning to tankless water heaters and generators, we offer a wide range of services and options to provide for all your home comfort needs. Feel free to stop by or give us a call today and set up a furnace repair appointment!