6 Reasons To Avoid DIY AC Installation

Your air conditioning system is complex and has moving parts that work together. Such complexity requires the machine to be handled by professionals, especially during installation. Some homeowners are fond of DIY projects and may attempt DIY AC installation. Nevertheless, the risks associated with such activity are not worth it. The following are some reasons why you should refrain from attempting DIY AC installation.

1. Lack of Expertise

Many homeowners do not have the necessary knowledge needed to install an air conditioner. DIY AC installation may sound like a great idea, but it can cost you more time and money if you do not know what you are doing. In addition, if you try to install an AC on your own and something goes wrong, you will find yourself calling a professional for assistance. If you make a mistake when installing an AC, it may cost you a lot of money to repair. Licensed technicians perform hundreds of AC installations every year, so they have expertise that could save you much time.

2. You Will Void the Warranty

Installing an air conditioner is more than just fitting it on your wall and plugging it in. Since it is complex and has expensive parts, an AC manufacturer will give you a warranty to cover the costs of damaged parts during installation. However, this warranty can only be valid if a licensed technician installs the system. Attempting DIY AC installation will void your warranty, and you will incur greater costs in the long term, as you will have to pay for damaged or worn-out parts yourself.

3. It Is Unsafe

An AC requires high voltage to run. Thus, it has complex wiring within the system, which professionals should handle. If you are not familiar with electrical wiring, you put yourself at risk of electrocution. Electricity is also among the leading causes of home fires, meaning that an electrical wiring error could lead to a fire breakout within your home. In addition, AC units use refrigerant, a chemical compound responsible for absorbing heat and humidity and expelling it outside. The refrigerant can be harmful to you and your family members if inhaled. Therefore, much care should be taken when handling refrigerant lines to avoid leakages. Leaking refrigerant also reduces the system's cooling efficiency, meaning you will not achieve the desired comfort in your home.

4. Reduced Home Value

AC installation is a significant financial commitment. It can increase the value of your home by some percentage. However, a lack of proper AC installation can have devastating effects on the overall value of your home because of the additional repairs needed. When trying to sell your home, you might not get the desired value out of it.

5. Laws and Regulations

Many suburbs and cities across the United States require you to obtain a permit to remove or install a new AC in your home. This process of collecting the permits and paperwork can be time-consuming. A licensed local technician will save you more time as they are familiar with the latest laws and regulations and will help you get through the process faster.

6. Incorrect AC Sizes

Air conditioners are designed to offer you comfort in your home. They have British thermal units, a rating that determines the cooling capacity of a particular system. In most cases, an HVAC technician estimates the size of your room and determines the correct size of an AC that you should buy. Thus, if you attempt DIY AC installation and accidentally buy the wrong AC size, you might encounter problems with your system. Such issues include short cycling, high humidity, and inefficient cooling.

The Bottom Line

DIY AC installation is not worthwhile. It is dangerous for both you and your family. Keep in mind that one major mistake may render the whole system useless. 

Contact the Professionals

Are you a resident of Radford, and do you need expert AC installation services? Look no further than New River Heating & Air. We are a company dedicated to keeping your indoor temperatures always comfortable through our full cooling services. We also offer heating services, including repairs, installation, and maintenance, as well as solutions for indoor air quality and duct cleaning. Call us at New River Heating & Air to schedule an appointment.

Ryan McCoy