Are Heat Pumps Efficient and Effective in Virginia?

If you own a home here in Radford, VA, and need a new HVAC system, you may be considering a heat pump. There are plenty of good reasons to do so. One is that heat pumps offer the kind of energy efficiency that you won't get with any other system type. Another is that heat pumps share a similar footprint with conventional HVAC equipment, making it easy to replace an existing forced-air HVAC system with a heat pump.

However, in doing your research about heat pumps, you may have come across some disconcerting information. There are plenty of sources available online that claim that heat pumps often struggle to provide sufficient heat. More specifically, they claim that heat pumps may end up costing you a small fortune when the mercury drops. To address those claims, here's what you need to know about heat pump efficiency and efficacy in Radford.

How Heat Pumps Work

Heat pumps, unlike conventional HVAC equipment, use the same process for cooling as they do for heating. In the summer, they work almost identically to conventional air conditioners, using a refrigerant to collect heat from your home and carry it away.

In the winter, however, they're nothing like conventional heating systems. A heat pump, unlike a furnace or similar heating system, doesn't consume energy to produce heat. Instead, it collects heat energy from the outside air and uses it to warm the inside of your home. That's the secret to their incredible efficiency. Unfortunately, it's also the secret to why heat pumps have a poor reputation for efficacy in the winter.

How Today’s Heat Pumps Perform in the Winter

It's important to note that modern heat pumps seldom suffer from performance issues in the cold. This is because they use refrigerants that operate at much lower temperatures. Today, it isn't unusual to see heat pumps in use in Alaska, where it's much colder. Most modern heat pumps will remain effective and efficient when it's far below freezing outside.

There are even heat pumps specifically engineered for operating in cold environments. Those models can provide sufficient heat when it's as cold as -29 degrees Fahrenheit. Of course, those models cost a bit more than ordinary heat pumps. Here in Radford, though, you won't need one. We happen to have a climate that's well suited to heat pump operation.

In an average winter here in Radford, we see average low temperatures around 22 degrees Fahrenheit in January. That's well within the operating range of a modern heat pump. Plus, even today's heat pumps have emergency backup heating elements just in case. That means you'll never need to worry about being too cold when you have a heat pump. And even if your heat pump has to engage its backup heating elements sometimes, you'll still save money. Homes with a modern heat pump save up to 50% on their energy costs compared to conventional HVAC systems.

Other Heat Pump Advantages

Heat pumps also come with a variety of other advantages that make them worth considering. One of them is superior humidity control in the summer. Since our summers feature plenty of humidity, having a heat pump can increase your home's comfort. Heat pumps achieve this because they run for longer periods at lower speeds than conventional HVAC systems. This gives them more opportunities to extract moisture from your home's air. Plus, most new heat pumps come with a feature called dry mode. In dry mode, your heat pump will work to keep your home's temperature stable while only extracting moisture. That can allow you to set your thermostat several degrees higher without sacrificing any comfort.

Heat pumps also won't require as much maintenance as conventional HVAC systems do. This is because heat pumps use the same equipment to both heat and cool your home. With a conventional system, you would have an air conditioner and a furnace that share a common blower. That's a far more complicated setup that requires more frequent maintenance. With a heat pump, our technicians can give your whole system a checkup all at once rather than seasonally.

You can also expect a heat pump to improve your home's air quality. This is also because heat pumps run at lower speeds for extended periods. This recycles your home's air more frequently and passes it through an air filter more often. That translates into more opportunities for the air filter to remove dust and dirt from the air. And since your heat pump runs the same way in the summer and winter, you get this benefit all year long.

Your Local Heat Pump Experts

The bottom line is that a heat pump would make an effective and efficient addition to any Radford home. We here at New River Heating & Air wholeheartedly recommend heat pumps to residents all the time. We've also served residents here since 1986, which means we have a longstanding reputation for offering expert HVAC advice. So, if you are looking for a heat pump or other heating installation, contact New River Heating & Air, and we'll be happy to help you!