Does Humidity Affect My Air Conditioning?

3 Ways Humidity Affects Your Air Conditioning System


Summertime in Radford, VA, is hot and humid. Not only does the hot outdoor air infiltrate your home, but so does the humidity. An afternoon thunderstorm and everyday activities, such as cooking, cleaning and showering also generate humidity in your home. Read on to learn how high indoor and outdoor humidity levels affect your home's air conditioning system.


1. More Frequent Cooling Cycles


High humidity levels strain your air conditioner. It will have to perform more cooling cycles in order to draw enough humidity out of your home's air. This will lead to higher electricity bills. You may also notice that the air conditioner turns on just a few minutes after it turns off, even if it's not a swelteringly hot day.


2. Poor Comfort Control


Excessive indoor humidity makes it difficult for your air conditioner to maintain a consistent temperature throughout your home. Some rooms may be hotter than other rooms. You may also notice a musty smell. When humidity levels are high, algae and bacteria grow in the air conditioner's condensate line. They can also grow on the indoor coil. Their waste products create a musty, organic smell that may trigger allergy or asthma symptoms.


3. Increased Wear and Tear


The extra cooling cycles and buildup on the evaporator coil cause excess wear and tear on your air conditioning system. With each startup of a cycle, the capacitor experiences a lot of stress. More frequent starting and stopping can lead to a worn motor. These parts could fail before they reach their typical lifespan. Your HVAC filter may need to be replaced every month instead of every two to three months.


New River Heating & Air is the trusted provider of air conditioning repair in Radford. We also offer heating repair, heating and cooling maintenance, and replacement. Our indoor air quality, duct cleaning, generators, and water heaters keep your home running smoothly. For more details about how humidity affects your air conditioner, get in touch with us at New River Heating & Air today.