Examining the Risks of DIY Home Air Conditioning Repairs

If you start noticing problems with your air conditioner at your home in Radford, VA, you might feel tempted to try and address the issues yourself. Your reasoning might include saving money on professional repair services or not having to wait at home for a technician to show up if you have a busy schedule. However, except for replacing the air filter at least every three months, you should never attempt cooling system repairs on your own. It would be best if you resisted this temptation for several reasons.

You May Void the Warranty

Most air conditioners come with a warranty. They work like an insurance policy that will protect you in case of a manufacturing defect. If your air conditioner breaks down during the covered timeframe, the company that made the unit will pay for parts and, sometimes, the labor needed to get it working again. However, the warranty agreement usually stipulates that you must have the system maintained and repaired by an HVAC professional. If you attempt DIY repairs, you will void the agreement, meaning you will have to pay out of pocket for any future repair work. This is true even if the problem is related to manufacturing faults affecting major components of your cooling system.

You Can Make Problems Worse

There's a reason why HVAC techs receive training and education on air conditioning systems. They do so to be prepared with the knowledge to fix any issue they encounter. As someone not trained in diagnosing and repairing HVAC systems, you do not have the background to handle the types of problems cooling systems can exhibit. Additionally, you will likely need to purchase specialized tools to perform air conditioner repairs properly. This can be an expensive proposition.

When attempting a DIY fix, you risk making the problem worse. You may hinder your cooling system's efficiency or, in the worst-case scenario, cause it to break down entirely. It's fairly expensive to get a new system installed, but you can avoid this when you rely on professionals for your repairs.

You Can End Up Paying More in the Long Run

Air conditioning systems comprise many internal and external parts and components, big and small, that each have their purpose and work together to provide you with a cool and comfortable home. Any attempt at repairing, adjusting, or replacing one or some of these parts can have a cascading effect that impairs the function of your system. DIY efforts can turn what a professional would consider a minor issue into a major and expensive repair.

Additionally, during their visit, your HVAC technician will inspect your cooling system as part of the repair service. This allows them to identify and fix any issues beyond what prompted you to schedule an appointment. This may include tasks such as changing a worn fan belt before it has a chance to break or lubricating the motors to ensure they operate smoothly.

Safety Risks

Air conditioners have several electrical components, such as capacitors, circuit boards, and wiring. Handling these parts can be extremely dangerous. For instance, capacitors store electrical energy and can deliver a severe shock even when the unit is turned off. On the other hand, improperly handling wiring can result in short circuits, which can cause the system to malfunction or even start a fire.

Additionally, air conditioners use refrigerant, which is hazardous. Only trained and certified professionals should investigate coolant leaks. Never attempt to diagnose a refrigerant problem yourself, as it may lead to exposure to toxic chemicals.

You Could Be Without Air Conditioning for a Longer Period

Experts work hard to perform cooling system repairs as quickly as possible to limit the problem's impact on your daily routine. However, attempting DIY repairs can lead to delays and extended periods without air conditioning, especially if you need to call a professional to fix mistakes made during your attempt.

Contact the Professionals

At New River Heating & Air, we have been serving the residents of Radford, VA, and the surrounding areas since 1986. We install, repair, and maintain heating and cooling systems. We also provide indoor air quality, duct cleaning, and generator services. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced team members.