How Long Does the Typical Furnace Last?

A furnace is a vital piece of equipment for keeping your home comfortable in the winter. As with any appliance, it can wear out over time. Knowing how long a typical furnace may last can help you plan for its eventual replacement and take measures to extend its life.

Average Lifespan of a Furnace

The average lifespan of a furnace falls somewhere between 15 and 20 years. However, some furnaces can last as long as 40 years, while others may last only 10 years. 

Each type of furnace has a different life expectancy. In general, you can expect the following lifespans for common types of furnaces:

  • Gas furnaces: 15-20 years

  • Oil furnaces: 20-25 years

  • Electric furnaces: 20-30 years

Factors That Can Influence Your Furnace's Lifespan

Aside from the type of furnace you have, various other factors can affect how long you can expect your furnace to last. 

Quality of Installation

No matter how high-quality the furnace is, it won't last as long as it should if it's not installed properly. An improperly installed furnace may experience premature failure and need to be replaced sooner than expected. 

To give your furnace the best start possible, you should only have an experienced HVAC technician handle the installation. Avoid attempting to do it yourself. This approach may appear to save you money at first, but it can cost you more in the long run by shortening the life of your furnace.

Frequency of Maintenance

Your furnace should be professionally serviced at least once a year to make sure it's operating as efficiently as possible. During this annual service, the technician will inspect all the components and make any necessary adjustments or repairs for optimal performance. If you repeatedly fall behind on this maintenance, your furnace may not last as long as it otherwise could with regular upkeep.

You should also repair any problems you encounter as soon as possible. Waiting too long to address a potential issue could cause further damage and significantly reduce your heating system's efficiency, resulting in a shorter lifespan.

Amount of Use

Day-to-day use of your furnace takes a toll on its components. If you use your furnace more than the typical homeowner, you may find that it doesn't last as long. This is especially true if it's frequently running in extreme weather conditions or for prolonged periods of time. 

Setting your thermostat to higher-than-average temperatures during the winter months can also contribute to your furnace's premature failure. You can reduce the stress on your system by avoiding extreme thermostat settings and instead using proper insulation and weatherizing techniques. 


If your furnace is too small, it will have to work harder than necessary to keep your home comfortable. It likely won't last as long if it’s the right size for your home. On the other hand, an oversized furnace may cycle on and off more frequently than you'd like, leading to significant energy waste as well as a shorter life span.

Proper sizing of your furnace from the point of installation is a key part of ensuring its longevity. Before you get a new furnace installed, be sure to have a professional perform a load calculation test to determine the size and model of the furnace that is right for your home. 

Indoor Air Quality

Dirt, dust, pet dander, and other debris can accumulate in your furnace over time. While regular maintenance can manage most of this buildup, there are still likely to be in-between periods when your furnace's interior can experience an accumulation of particles. The more contaminated your system is during these periods, the harder it has to work. 

If your home has poor air quality, replacing the air filters more often than recommended can help reduce the burden on your furnace. You may also want to consider a whole-home air filtration system to address the issue at the source. Turn to us for indoor air quality solutions!!

Ultimately, the best way to ensure that your furnace has the longest life possible is to partner with a reputable HVAC contractor who can provide preventive maintenance and advise you on the best actions to take for your particular system.

With the right care from the team at New River Heating & Air, you can enjoy years of reliable performance from your furnace. We've been providing trusted heating, cooling, indoor air quality, and duct cleaning services to homeowners in Radford, VA, since 1986. You can count on us for all of your indoor comfort needs. Contact us today to learn more!

Ryan McCoy