Is It Normal to Smell Gas Near a Furnace?

Wintertime in Radford, VA, can be cold. You'll need efficient heat from your furnace in order to stay warm. If you're near the furnace and notice the odor of natural gas, it's important to know whether it's normal or not. Use this guide to take proper action if you notice the smell of natural gas near your home's furnace.


Faint, Brief Odor at the Start of a Heating Cycle

It's normal to notice a faint and brief odor of natural gas at the beginning of a heating cycle. This odor shouldn't be strong, and it shouldn't last for more than a couple of seconds. The odor will dissipate as soon as the pilot or ignition ignites the burner and begins the combustion process.


Persistent Odor During a Heating Cycle

If the odor of natural gas persists during a heating cycle, this isn't normal. Your furnace might have a problem with one of its critical components, such as the gas supply valve, pilot, ignition, burner, combustion chamber, or heat exchanger. It's also possible that the furnace has a gas leak. Call a trusted HVAC professional for urgent furnace repairs.


Strong Natural Gas Odor

If there's a strong smell of natural gas by your furnace, or you can smell natural gas elsewhere in your home, this isn't normal. Your furnace or gas line may have a leak. Exit your home as quickly as possible, and arrange for urgent furnace and gas line repairs.


New River Heating & Air is the trusted provider of furnace repairs in Radford. You can also count on us for air conditioning repairs and heating and air conditioning replacement, installation, and maintenance. We're also the right choice for generators, indoor air quality services, tankless water heaters, duct cleaning, and residential new construction. If you're a business owner, you can count on us for reliable commercial heating, ventilation, and air conditioning in Radford. For more details on when it is and isn't normal to smell natural gas by your furnace, get in touch with us at New River Heating & Air today.