Learn How to Reset Your Furnace/Heat Pump

Furnace Reset in Radford, VA

You may have noticed your furnace has inconsistent airflow or a noisy rumbling coming from it. Resetting your HVAC system can fix small issues and stabilize the motor. While it's essential to call a professional for regular maintenance and repair, knowing how to complete a furnace or heat pump reset could save you a headache this winter.

Furnace Reset

Oil or electric furnaces often have a reset button. Consult the owner's manual to determine the location of the button. You should hold the button for 30 seconds, release it for the same amount of time, and then press it again for 30 seconds before checking the furnace to see if it's working. You may not be able to press the reset button if the furnace is overheating, the filter is full, or the flame sensor is dirty.

For a gas furnace, start by turning the thermostat to its lowest temperature. Turn off the main gas supply and confirm the pilot light is out. You can then relight the pilot and restore the power. Turn on the gas supply and adjust your thermostat to your preferred temperature.

Heat Pump Reset

The heat pump is installed outside the home. Some brands have a light that flashes green, red, or yellow, indicating if the heat pump is working correctly. To reset the heat pump, turn off the thermostat and the pump's power switch. Turn off both electrical breakers to the heat pump and then wait about five minutes.

This should restore your heat pump to its regular functioning. You should flip the switches back on in the opposite order you switched them off, starting with the electrical breakers.

Your Professional HVAC Team

New River Heating & Air is a full-service business that has been satisfying clients in Radford, VA, since 1986. We can help you with all your heating and cooling needs, including maintenance, repair, and replacement services. Rely on our certified and experienced technicians to help you check air quality, clean ducts, and install generators. Call us now for exceptional customer service and expert assistance.