Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Home Heating System

With winter nearly here, it may be time to upgrade your home heating system. There are five frequent signs that your system is on its last legs and in need of being replaced.

1. Frequent Repairs

Old heating systems frequently need repairs. It's more cost effective to upgrade your system rather than keep paying money to get it fixed. You must pay for the new system, but it will save you money in reduced repair bills.

2. Uneven Temperatures

Old heating systems often produce hot and cold spots as they can't evenly distribute heat. A new system will make your home more comfortable and give you a break from constantly adjusting the temperature on your thermostat.

New River Heating & Air of Radford, VA, replaces heating systems. Our NATE-certified technicians are skilled with all types of heaters, such as furnaces and heat pumps.

3. High Energy Bills

The cost of heating your home accounts for about 40% of your energy bills. If your bills are increasing, it's likely your heater is the culprit. They lose efficiency over time, especially ones that have been neglected. New heaters are more efficient than ever, so you'll save money on your energy bills.

4. Continuously Running

Older heating systems often struggle to maintain your desired temperature. They run constantly as they try to keep up with demand. An old heater has to work harder and longer to do the same task it easily did when it was new.

5. Strange Noises or Odors

If your heater produces strange noises or odors, it can be a sign it's time for a replacement. This is especially true if it's over 15 years old. The one odor you should never ignore is rotten eggs, which means there's a gas leak.

New River Heating & Air installs, repairs, and tunes-up heaters and air conditioners. We can also help you with our duct cleaning, indoor air quality, generators, and both conventional and tankless water heater services. Please call today to find out more.