What Causes Indoor Air Quality Problems?

When watching weather forecasts on television or viewing them online, you may see daily reports about outdoor air quality. These air quality reports are most common during spring, and the reason for that is pollen. Unlike outdoor air quality, you should consider indoor air quality a year-round issue. Getting familiar with the common causes of indoor air pollutants is absolutely essential to improving your home's air supply.

Pet Dander

Most families across the United States have at least one pet. Dogs and cats, respectively, are the country's most popular pets. Like humans, all animals shed skin.

Also known as pet dander, these tiny skin flecks are known to cause allergic reactions. Although many people have no reaction to pet dander, it's still considered a household pollutant.


Candles can help you relax after work or get intimate with your partner. Unfortunately, however, candles made from paraffin wax can pump out fumes that have negative effects on human health.

Air Fresheners

Household air fresheners take up entire aisles at some grocery stores, supermarkets and department stores. Although they conveniently cover up existing odors, air fresheners may contain volatile organic compounds that reduce air quality.

Household Cleaning Products

Much like air fresheners, household cleaning products contain powerful scents to cover up smells that are hard to eliminate. Their powerful nature can contribute to poor indoor air quality. Household cleaning products may contain volatile organic compounds that are known to have unwanted effects on human health.

Volatile organic compounds, which typically take the form of liquids, easily disperse into the air. Since you want your home's air supply to have as few contaminants as possible, you should avoid cleaning products that have volatile organic compounds.

With so many indoor air pollutants to control, managing indoor air quality is a formidable task. Let our team at New River Heating & Air help. As part of our indoor air quality services, we test for pollutant levels, identify sources of pollutants and install high-quality air purifiers. In addition to that, we perform a full range of heating and cooling installation, repair and maintenance. We also handle generators and duct cleaning. Contact us today for assistance.