Why You Should Have Annual Maintenance Performed on Your HVAC System

Preventative HVAC maintenance is just that. Preventative. Yearly HVAC maintenance protects your systems from damages, complicated repairs, and replacements.  Most homeowners don’t really give their HVAC systems much thought until it’s broken or they start to notice a change. Your heating and cooling shouldn’t be something you take for granted! When winter comes, your heating keeps your house warm and pleasant. During the summertime, your cooling protects you from the sweltering heat and makes your home a comforting getaway from the heat outside. Everyone has responsibilities and lives they have to attend to, so it’s easy to forget about the health of your HVAC system.  

But the truth is that without preventative maintenance, your HVAC systems are susceptible to damage, complicated repair jobs, or even premature replacement. So what can you do to keep your heating and cooling in shape? Schedule yearly maintenance on your HVAC systems. Did you know that HVAC systems that have regular preventative maintenance performed will last anywhere from 50%, even to double the amount of a neglected system? We can’t stop saying it: a well-maintained heating or cooling system can run more efficiently and last longer over time than one that hasn’t been inspected in years.

Having your HVAC systems inspected once a year can make a major difference in your life and in your bank account! To learn more about what heating and cooling maintenance can do for you, see the benefits of preventive maintenance below.

1. Longer HVAC System Life

The first major perk of having your HVAC systems maintained each year is the notable longevity of your HVAC system’s life. HVAC systems that get tune-ups every year live longer than systems that don’t. With yearly maintenance, you can prevent complicated repairs and replacement needs.  Your HVAC technician will check every internal and external part of your heating and cooling system for damages, wear and tear, cleanliness, and any minor issues that need to be addressed. By keeping up with your systems, you’ll be able to push off the need for a full system replacement and have your current one anywhere from 10-15 years!

2. More Energy Efficiency

The second perk of professional preventative maintenance is the increased energy efficiency of your systems. HVAC systems that aren’t maintained will have to work harder in order to operate, resulting in an overconsumption of power. If you haven’t had your system looked at in a while, you might notice your energy bill mysteriously spiking, which could be a symptom of something worse, so it’s better just to get it maintained while you can.

With regularly scheduled maintenance, you’ll see that your heating and cooling systems are much more efficient than without, and you’ll save money long-term!

3. Saves You Money

Preventing repairs and replacements will save you money, simple as that. Regularly scheduled maintenance is a money saver! Think of it like getting a yearly check-up at the doctor. The more often you see a doctor, the quicker they can address something if you’re sick or have a pending illness. Similarly to the doctor, lots of people skip going because they don’t find it necessary to spend money on it unless something is clearly wrong. And similarly to your health, just because you don’t notice problems right away doesn’t mean something isn’t happening within your system! You may think you’re saving money by skipping out on maintenance, but you’re actually setting yourself up for failure.

Long story short, the price of preventative maintenance performed on your heating and system each year outweighs the price of repair or new system installation. The pros outweigh the cons every time. If you wait around until your system needs a repair or replacement, you’ll eventually have to go a certain amount of time without your system or at least a faulty one. No one wants that!

Professional HVAC Maintenance from New River Heating & Air!

The answer to saving money on your HVAC systems is preventive maintenance! At New River Heating & Air, we’re the HVAC team you can depend on! We’ve been a household name for many years taking care of our customers. We understand the importance of a healthy HVAC system in your home because we’re homeowners just like you! So when you need the help of a knowledgeable HVAC technician for yearly preventative maintenance, repair, or replacement, you can trust us! We believe in customer satisfaction every step of the way!

For quality HVAC maintenance near you, call our team at New River Heating & Air!