Choosing the Right Furnace Filters

The air quality in your home is directly impacted by your choice of furnace filter. By neglecting to change your filter on time or choosing the wrong type for your furnace, you may be letting more dust and particulates into your vents. Learn how to choose the best filter for your furnace below.

Furnace Filter in Radford, VA

MERV Rating

A filter's Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) rating dictates what it will keep out of your furnace. The rating system goes from one to 20, with many residential homes using filters between four and 12. Anything less than that is often reserved for seasonal window AC units. Your ideal MERV rating is based on the recommendations for your HVAC unit as well as your allergies and the number of pets in your home.

Many residential furnaces shouldn't use anything higher than a 12 or 14, or it will begin to negatively affect the efficiency of your furnace. Filters with high MERV ratings are used in facilities like hospitals or manufacturing buildings that need absolute sterility. Check with a professional technician to determine the optimal range based on your individual needs.

Disposable vs. Reusable

There are many options available to you based on your furnace size and budget. Disposable pleated filters are one of the more common types and can be found through local retailers. Disposable fiberglass filters are often cheaper but come with lower MERV ratings, which could affect the air quality in your home. You can also consider permanent filters that are made of metal and last for about five years. They need to be washed every few months and can dramatically cut down your yearly filter costs.

Excellent Heating and Cooling Services

New River Heating & Air has been professionally servicing Radford, VA, for more than 30 years. We're fully licensed, insured and ready to offer you convenient scheduling and competitive pricing. Trust us with all your heating and cooling maintenance, repair and installation needs. We can also check your air quality, clean your ducts and install trustworthy generator systems. Call us now to talk to one of our NATE-certified technicians.