Preventing Uneven Heating in Your Home

Uneven Heating Prevention in Radford, VA

Check Your Air Vents

Sometimes, uneven heating can happen as a result of problems with your air vents. Periodically checking your vents is important as they can get dirty over time. Using a vacuum attachment is an easy way to clean your vents and remove any debris that may be blocking air movement.

Inspect Air Ducts for Leaks

Another reason why you may have issues heating your home is if your air ducts are leaking. These small holes and cracks make it much more difficult to keep your home warm, and it will also increase your utility bill. Getting an HVAC professional to inspect your ducts for leaks is a good idea as they can easily fix this problem.

Install More Insulation

Insufficient insulation in your attic can make it a challenge to keep your home warm. Putting more insulation in your attic will make it easier to keep your home warm during the winter and cool during the summer. Over time, this can save you money on your energy bill while also preventing uneven heating in your home.

Replace Your Heater

The lifespan of most heating systems averages around 15 years before they need to be replaced. Uneven heating is often one of the first signs of problems with your heater. Getting an HVAC tech to inspect your system is important in helping you determine if you need repairs or a replacement.

New River Heating & Air offers HVAC installation and repair services for customers throughout the Radford area. We also provide other services, such as duct cleaning, indoor air quality control audits, and installation and service of generators and tankless water heaters. Feel free to contact New River Heating & Air today to schedule a no-cost consultation!