Debunking Summer Cooling Myths

Beating the summer heat comes with much experimentation and many suggestions on home cooling. Like most things, however, some of these tips aren’t as useful as they sound. Below, we’ll debunk some of the most common myths about summertime cooling and offer some real, actionable tips.

Turning Off the AC During the Day Saves Energy

Shutting off the air conditioner while you’re away doesn’t conserve energy or save money. Your unit will work harder and use more power when it’s switched back on as it struggles to bring your home back to the desired temperature. Instead of power cycling, use a programmable thermostat to adjust the temperature gradually.

Fans Will Cool Your Home

While ceiling and floor fans do make hot days more comfortable, they create chilling effects on the skin instead of cooling rooms. When areas are unoccupied, turn off fans to save energy.

A High Thermostat Setting Saves Energy Without Sacrificing Comfort

Many of our customers believe that if they set their thermostats at high temperatures, they’ll save money on electricity. However, this simply isn’t true. Constant power cycling and frequent adjustments cause AC systems to work overtime. This may result in a frequent need for repairs and maintenance. Instead of choosing a high thermostat setting and changing it often, find a constant number that everyone can live with.

Bigger Units Provide Better Cooling

Bigger isn’t always better where air conditioner efficiency is concerned. If an AC is too big for the home, it will cycle on and off more frequently. When short cycling occurs, a unit loses its ability to cool the home by removing airborne humidity. If you’re choosing a new unit, be sure to have one of our technicians do a load calculation.

AC Maintenance and Installation Services

Is your home’s air conditioning system not working as effectively as it should? Or are you considering an upgrade before the heat of summer comes? The team here at New River Heating & Air in Radford, VA, can help by providing fast, hassle-free estimates. In addition to a full line of heating and cooling services, we also offer indoor air quality solutions, duct cleaning, commercial HVAC, and more. Contact us online or call today to schedule service.