How to Improve the Indoor Air Quality of Your Home This Fall

When it turns to fall, the indoor air quality in your home can decline. This is because you keep windows and doors closed, which reduces ventilation. There are ways to improve your home's indoor air quality this fall, though, so you breathe healthy air.

Clean Regularly

You should vacuum, dust, and sweep at least once a week. Clean more often if you have pets. Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter, as it will trap over 99.9% of particles greater than 0.3 microns in size.

Let in Fresh Air

When it's a warm day in the fall, open some windows to let in the fresh air. Pollutants will be pushed out of your home. Proper ventilation is necessary for maintaining good indoor air quality.

Furnace Tune-Up

You should make getting your furnace tuned up every year a priority. A well-maintained furnace improves the indoor air quality in your home. The technician will clean important parts and perform a thorough inspection. One thing they look for is potential mold problems.

New River Heating & Air performs furnace tune-ups. Our maintenance service will help keep your furnace operating smoothly and reliably throughout the fall and winter.

Get an Air Purifier

Air purifiers remove pollutants from the air. This can reduce health problems like coughing, sore throats, dry eyes, and allergies. You can buy small air purifiers that improve the indoor air quality in a single room. A better solution may be to have a whole-home air purifier installed in your HVAC system.

Use Natural Cleaners

Conventional cleaners contain many harmful chemicals that reduce your home's indoor air quality. Try using natural alternatives instead. Vinegar and baking soda can clean many things. You can also buy natural cleaners at the grocery store.

At New River Heating & Air, we replace, repair, and tune-up heaters and air conditioners in Radford. Our services also include indoor air quality, duct cleaning, generators, tankless water heaters and residential new construction. Get in touch today to find out more.