Are You Heating Your Home as Efficiently as Possible?

When cold air rolls in, you want your home to remain as comfortable as possible. This means having a reliable furnace. Efficiency plays a role in how this plays out, so you need to take steps to make sure energy use doesn't come with waste. Here are some ways to maximize efficiency.

Clean the Furnace

A dirty furnace isn't one that performs at optimal levels. All the dirt, soot and other debris found inside may weigh down the system. A thorough cleaning of the heater could address this problem and restore it to improved efficiency.

Don't Overdo It With Temp Levels

Efficiency is about using the right amount of energy required for your comfort level. If 62 degrees does the job, why keep the thermostat set for 70? Excessively high temperatures reflect the opposite of efficiency. Truthfully, you waste energy when using an unnecessary amount of gas, electricity or other sources to heat a home. Find a baseline comfort level and stick to it.

Get the Furnace Checked Out

A furnace isn't going to run well on worn parts or an old filter. Requesting an inspection and tune-up could help get a lagging heater to perform more efficiently. Perhaps signing up for regular maintenance service is worthwhile. New River Heating & Air can assist with furnace and AC needs.

Upgrade to a New Thermostat

Homeowners let things like thermostat upgrades slide. Why replace one when it already works? Well, it may not be working efficiently. Newer thermostats allow for better, more precise programming. You could even set the temperature to be much lower for times when you aren't there. This way, you don't waste energy heating a home vacant except for your pets.

Place a call today to New River Heating & Air in Radford, VA. Our certified technicians handle repair, maintenance, installation and other work related to heating and cooling units. We also offer services related to indoor air quality, duct cleaning and generators.