Should I Repair or Replace my Furnace?

If you're dealing with a furnace that no longer works properly, it may be better to replace it rather than pay for repairs. This will depend on your situation. When determining whether it is best to repair or replace your furnace, carefully consider the following factors.


You should start by thinking about the age of your furnace. If it is older, then there is no point in repairing a machine that you are going to have to replace soon anyway. Generally, a furnace that is under 15 years old still has enough life to be worth repairing. After 15 years, you'll be better off replacing.

Cost of Repairs

Another thing to consider is the severity of the issue and the cost to fix it. Paying almost as much as it would cost to get a brand new furnace does not make much financial sense. Often, the rule of thumb is that you should only get repairs if the cost of fixing the system is no more than half the cost of replacement. If you are not sure of the cost for repairs, remember that you can always ask an HVAC technician to come out and give you an estimate.

Satisfaction With Your Current Furnace

Sometimes, a furnace is younger than 10 years and does not need pricey repairs. However, you could be anxious to move on and get a new heating system. A furnace problem can be an excellent time to reevaluate your system and see if it meets your needs. If you want a more energy-efficient model that can save you money, you may want to go ahead and consider replacing your broken furnace. At New River Heating & Air, we can assess your situation and help you figure out the best solution for your Radford home. We can also help you with a lot of other services like heating or cooling installations and maintenance. Find out more about how we can help by calling us now.