What Size Generator Do You Need for Your Furnace?

When the weather starts to cool off, it's time to start thinking about turning on your furnace. But before you do, you'll need to ensure you have a big enough generator to power it. In this blog post, we'll take a look at what size of generator you need to run your furnace and how to choose the right one for your needs.

1. Factor in the Wattage of Your Furnace

When it comes to generators, size does matter. The wattage of your furnace will determine the size of the generator you need to purchase. If you have a larger and more powerful furnace, you will need a generator with more wattage. You can find the wattage of your furnace in the owner's manual or on the manufacturer's website. The average furnace is about 1000 watts, but this can vary depending on the size and type.

2. Consider How Much Power Your Furnace Uses

The power consumption of your furnace will vary depending on its size and efficiency. A typical gas furnace will use between 30 and 60 amps of power, while an electric furnace will use between 50 and 100 amps. The size and specifications of the generator you choose must match the power needs of your furnace.

3. What Temperature Will You Need to Maintain?

The temperature you'll want to maintain in your home will also affect the size of the generator you'll need. A higher temperature will require a more powerful generator to maintain comfortable temperatures.

Contact the Experts

Once you have considered the wattage of the furnace you want to power, you can choose the right generator for your needs. If you are not sure which generator to purchase, we can help. At New River Heating & Air, we would be happy to assist you with locating and installing a new generator. We also offer home heating and cooling repair, installation, and maintenance services in Radford, VA. Call New River Heating & Air today, and let us help you keep your home warm all winter!